지역 사회 봉사 활동
2024 AA NHPI Heritage Month
Thank you to all who came out to our May 11, 2024 AANHPI Heritage Month celebration event. We would like to take a moment to express our sincere appreciation again to our partner City of Olympia Parks staff Olivia and Rachael, our co-sponsors South Puget Sound Community College, APCC, Lacey Parks and Recreation, and all the performers, resource and information table hosts, and food and arts and craft vendors who participated in the event. Your participation added so much to our celebration! We are very grateful to the city and county elected officials, my co-Master of Ceremonies, our wonderful team of interns and support staff, and all the planning committee members and volunteers who helped make this event possible!! We know this event's success could not have happened without you--so THANK YOU!!
May 20th 2023: AANHPI Heritage Celebration
The Asian Pacific Islander Coalition of South Puget Sound, in partnership with the City of Olympia, invited all to join us in celebration of Asian Pacific Islander American heritage and cultures.
We had food vendors, performances, and free activities for the entire family.
Race Dialogue: Change the Dynamics—What's Power Got to do With it
Thank you to everyone who participated in our annual race dialogue "Change the dynamics--what's Power got to do with it" on March 16, 2024. We examined and discussed race relations and racism and how we can work together to achieve justice in our community.
View some snapshots of the event!
Previous Race Dialogues
South Puget Sound의 아시아 태평양 섬 주민 연합은 Thurston 카운티의 여성 유권자 연맹, Heartsparkle Players, Window Seat Media, 워싱턴 주 아시아 태평양계 미국인 위원회, South Puget Sound의 커뮤니티 재단, Sanctuary Alliance 강화 및 사우스사운드 다문화서비스센터는 2022년 3월 26일 인종대화를 진행했습니다.
이 대화의 목표는 학교에서 감옥으로 가는 파이프라인에 관한 교육 및 형사법 시스템을 논의하는 것이었습니다. 연사 Liezl Tomas Rebugio와 Reiko Callner에게 감사드립니다.
문화 워크숍
APIC-SPS는 매월 둘째 토요일에 문화 워크숍을 개최합니다. 다음 이벤트에 대한 정보를 보려면 이벤트 탭으로 이동하세요!