WA Health Plan Expansion for DACA Recipients
People with certain immigration statuses now qualify for more savings
Due to a recent federal change, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients and other people with qualifying immigration statuses can now access increased federal savings through Washington HealthplanfinderTM as of Nov. 1, 2024. These savings significantly lower costs for most — many customers can find a health plan for less than $10 per month.
Who qualifies? Immigration statuses include:
DACA recipients
Valid nonimmigrant visa-holders
People with a pending application for adjustment of status
People granted employment authorization
Family Unity Program beneficiaries
Special Immigrant Juveniles with approved petitions
Certain asylum applicants under age 14
How can someone get their new savings?
Any household member affected by the recent change needs to select “Yes” to the question, “Is this household member lawfully present in the U.S.?” in their Washington Healthplanfinder application. Those who may be affected (current customers and people who recently applied to Washington Healthplanfinder) were notified of the change in their preferred language. Assisters are also reaching out to people with qualified statuses who they previously helped.
To sign up for coverage or update an existing application:
Contact a trained, trusted local assister by visiting Washington Healthplanfinder’s “Support in Your Area” page to find help.
Call Washington Healthplanfinder’s Customer Support Center at 1-855-923-4633 (TTY/TDD: 1-855-627-9604). Language assistance is available in more than 200 languages.
Go online; visit
When does someone need to act to get these savings?
People who sign-up or update their application by Oct. 15, will have coverage with the additional savings starting Nov. 1. If they act by Nov. 15, coverage with the additional savings will start Dec. 1.
An existing special enrollment period is available for people who gain citizenship/lawfully presence. (Enter 11/1/2024, as date gained.)
People can also sign up or update their application during open-enrollment (Nov. 1–Jan. 15).
People who sign up or update their application by Dec. 15 will have coverage with the additional savings starting Jan. 1.
People who sign up or update their application by Jan. 15, will have coverage with the additional savings starting Feb. 1.
December Health Updates
Check out national and state health updates above! We cover:
Updated COVID-19 vaccine for 2024-2025
Expanded Access to Women's Health Program
The US commitment to addressing the global Monkeypox outbreak
Report food borne illness to Washington State's Foodborne Illness Notification System
Expanded access to health care for DACA recipients through Washington Healthplanfinder
Apply to APCC's Capacity Building HEAL Grant
For more information, visit,, or
Monkeypox Phoneline and Updates
Have any questions related to the Monkeypox Virus (MPV)? People across Washington can now call 1-833-829-HELP to get their questions answered! Language assistance is available in 240 languages. Please see more details about the resource here.
For additional information about the Monkeypox virus, to access frequently asked questions (FAQS) and to keep up to date with case count, please visit the DOH MPV webpage available in English or Spanish. The webpage will soon be available in Russian, Vietnamese, Ukrainian, Somali, Korean, Tagalog, Arabic, Punjabi, Cambodian and Chinese (Simplified and Traditional).
The CDC website on Monkeypox also lists ways that it can be spread, signs and symptoms, and what to do if you are sick. Visit the site here.
Hanki tehostekutsumme parempaan terveyteen
COVID-19 Updates
For the latest information on the available COVID vaccine clinics for Thurston County visit:
The Department of Health's website to sign up for a vaccine appointment
The Thurston County Public Health's website
The Thurston County Public Health's Facebook
The Department of Health's Covid-19 website
AANHPI language vaccine videos presented by Crossing TV
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Kielipohjaiset Covid-resurssit ja -suositukset
COVID-19-ohjeiden muuttuessa DOH työskentelee aktiivisesti kääntääkseen päivitetyn sisällön 40 kielelle (mukaan lukien monet AANHPI-kielet).
Käännettyjen versioiden käyttö:
Etsi näytön oikeasta yläkulmasta ruskea suorakulmio, jossa näkyy sivun nykyinen kieli ja jossa on nuoli, joka osoittaa avattavan valikon.
Valitse nuoli ja haluamasi kieli avattavasta valikosta.
Valitulla kielellä saatavilla olevat käännetyt COVID-19-ohjeet täyttävät sivun.
DOH julkaisi tällä viikolla käännetyt versiot seuraavista asiakirjoista, jotka ovat saatavilla DOH:n verkkosivustolla:
Kielipohjaiset COVID-lastenrokotteiden resurssit vanhemmille ja huoltajille
Resursseja on saatavilla seuraavilla kielillä:
English , Spanish , Amharic , Arabic , Chinese ,_cc781905-5cde- 3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hmong , Japanese , Korean , Lao ,S omali , Vietnamese ,_cc781905-5cde-3194 -bb3b-136bad5cf58d_ Hindi , Nepali , Punjabi, Tamil , Telugu , urdu , thai
Tämä on yhteisön luoma luettelo tiedoista lasten COVID-rokotteista ja joistakin yleisistä COVID-rokotteista. Huomaa, että yhteisön jäsenet jakavat linkit, eikä niiden käännösten tarkkuutta ole tarkistettu. Ole huolellinen valitessasi, mitä resursseja annat perheille.
COVID-19:n vaikutukset ja huomioita aasialaisille
Asian American COVID-19 Experience Report NYU Center for the Study of Asian American Health (CSAAH)
Koulutus-, viestintä- ja tukiresurssit
Washingtonin osavaltion Aasian ja Tyynenmeren Amerikan asioiden komissio COVID-19-resurssit
COVID-19 Resources in Vietnamese by PIVOT : Viet Fact Check and .
SEARAC COVID-19 -resurssit vietnamiksi koonnut Southeast Asia Resource Action Center (SEARAC).
Aasian ja Tyynenmeren saarten liittouma puolustaa yhdessä resursseja
COVID-19-rokote PSA Nepal Seattle Society . Nepal Seattle Societyn video julkinen palveluilmoitus kannustaa ottamaan rokotuksen
Pakolaisille ja maahanmuuttajayhteisöille
Keskusteluopas COVID-19-rokotteisiin maahanmuuttajien ja pakolaisten luottamuksen lisäämiseksi (PDF)
Kanon Magazine Katso venäläisiä kysymyksiä ja vastauksia COVID-19-rokoteaiheista ja epäröivyydestä sivuilla 50-51 yhdessä luotettavan uskonnollisen yhteisön johtajan ja Washingtonin yliopiston molekyyli- ja solubiologian tohtorikandidaatin Andrei Shuvarikovin kanssa.
Titre Avval -artikkeli arvostetulta yhteisön jäseneltä, tohtori Tara Jonesilta | Farsi |_31-5cf58d_| _5-6-4cb9
Washington Solidarity Immigrant Network COVID-19 -rokote Know Your Rights One-Pager (PDF) | espanja