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APIC-South Puget Sound se compromete a ofrecer recursos accesibles a la comunidad de asiáticos e isleños del Pacífico. A continuación encontrará recursos sobre inmigración, seguridad alimentaria, registro de votantes y más. Estamos trabajando para proporcionar más fuentes accesibles en idiomas y actualizaremos esta página a medida que nuestro trabajo continúe.
Office of Financial Management (OFM) Population Report: Washington State's Immigrant Population 2010-21
by Wei Yen, Ph.D.
Immigrant population has increased by 29% in Washington during 2010-21, with a larger increase in the immigrant group of naturalized citizens (37%). In 2021, the total immigrant population was 1,149,000.
Shares of females in each immigrant population group remained about the same across the years, although the shares varied among the groups, between 40% and 60%.
While the share of adults 18-64 declined in the U.S.-born citizen group to 58%, it remained the same in the immigrant groups (around 75% for naturalized citizen group and legal immigrant group, and 90% for the undocumented immigrant group).
The share of individuals with Hispanic origin had a gradual but steady increase in the U.S.-born citizen group (8% to 12%). However, the undocumented immigrant group share declined from 54% to 39%.
The shares of non-Hispanic white population declined in the U.S.-born citizen group (80% to 72%)3 and the legal immigrant group (32% to 23%).
The shares of non-Hispanic Asians or Pacific Islanders increased in the legal Office of Financial Management 2 immigrant group (27% to 36%) and the undocumented immigrant group (27% to 43%).
In the adult population age 18-64, all groups except the legal immigrant group had increased shares with a 4-year college degree or higher. The undocumented immigrant group had the largest change (22% to 47%).
For all groups, shares of adults 18-64 who were employed increased to the highest point in 2019 (above 70%) and then declined in 2021.
Shares of adults 18-64 in low-income families (less than 200% of the federal poverty level) declined in all groups, particularly in the undocumented immigrant group in which the share dropped by half (56% to 28%).
Buscador de recursos de la Red de Solidaridad de Inmigrantes de Washington: Lista completa de inmigración, atención familiar, COVID-19 y servicios legales en una barra de búsqueda fácil de encontrar
ACLU Washington: Leyes policiales, derechos de inmigración, recursos educativos y más
APIC-Spokane: Otra sucursal local de APIC que ofrece recursos adicionales
Servicios asiáticos de asesoramiento y remisión: Centro de servicios de inmigración, legales, laborales y de cuidado infantil con sede en Seattle con entornos lingüísticos accesibles
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Coalición de Washington para la Responsabilidad Policial: Abogacía por la responsabilidad policial
Washington Community Alliance: Tiene como objetivo cerrar la brecha de representación para las personas de color en todos los niveles de cargos electos en nuestro estado
Comisión del Estado de Washington para Asuntos Americanos del Pacífico Asiático: Recursos accesibles en idiomas sobre el alivio de COVID-19, desglose de datos, recursos LGTBTQ+ y sistemas de denuncia de delitos de odio